Discover the Bible at Home:

Free Bible Correspondence Courses by Mail

Welcome to the Bible Study Center! We are thrilled to offer free Bible Correspondence Courses by mail for those who want to explore the Bible from the comfort and privacy of their homes. Our courses are designed to provide men and women with a working knowledge of God's Word and the Holy Bible.

Our courses are easy to use and cater to learners of all ages. Whether you're a young person looking to enhance your Bible knowledge or an adult seeking a deeper understanding of the Scriptures, we have courses that will meet your needs.

You will receive the courses by postal mail or e-mail attachment and can study at your own pace without deadlines. We understand that everyone has different schedules and commitments, which is why we provide flexible study options.

We believe proper education should include a thorough understanding of the Bible, and we are committed to helping you achieve that goal. So why not take a few minutes to explore our free Bible Correspondence Courses by mail? And remember to tell your friends and family about our offers for home study. We are here to help you grow in your knowledge of the Bible, and we look forward to hearing from you soon. 

Our postal address is: 

Bible Correspondence Courses International (B.C.C.I.), 

P.O. Box 3841, Springfield, IL 62708-3841 - USA


To donate by PayPal, access the site below if you are a Christian and want to help. 
 These Bible Correspondence Courses are offered free of charge. The cost of printing has been

paid for by Christians who desire to encourage personal Bible study.

Image About the company 1

Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.

Hebrews 11:3

About Us

The Bible Study Center offers you free Bible Correspondence Courses. Bible studies by postal mail or e-mail are available in English and Portuguese. Using our international Bible Correspondence Courses, you can study the Bible in the privacy of your own home. If you have spiritual problems or difficulty understanding any part of the course, we will attempt to provide Bible-based answers to help you by e-mail or postal service. Some courses include tests. These are "self-help tests." You will learn best by looking up the Bible references included and reflecting on the biblical passages before writing your answers. Not all courses have test questions.


The cost of printing has been paid for by Christians who desire to encourage personal Bible study. Let us know which single course you would like to study, along with your name and postal address, and the course will be sent to you. Please use the contact form below or contact us through your regular postal service or e-mail. Be sure to include your full name, e-mail address, and mailing address, along with the title of the course you are requesting. See the "Courses" page for a list of courses currently available.


Mailing Address:

Bible Correspondence Courses International (B.C.C.I.)

P.O. Box 3841, Springfield, IL 62708-3841 - USA


2Timothy 2:15

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.


English Bible Correspondence Courses


  1. The Soul's Physician - Ten lessons about the miracles recorded in the Gospel of Matthew - (with test)
  2. The King & His Kingdom - Thirteen lessons in chapters 1 to 4, 11, and 12 of Matthew.
  3. The Master & His Disciple - More studies in the Gospel of Matthew. 13 Lessons, chapters 5 to 10.
  4. The New Life- Thirteen lessons in the First Epistle of Peter.
  5. Lessons for Life - Twelve lessons teaching important issues for disciples.
  6. Guidance for a Leader - Fifteen lessons from Paul's 1st Epistle to Timothy.
  7. The Workman Approved by God - Eleven lessons from Paul's 2nd Epistle to Timothy.
  8. The Christian Experience - Eleven lessons from Paul's Epistle to the Philippians.
  9. Spiritual Gifts - Eleven lessons providing solid guidance for Christian service.
  10. The Key to the Book of Genesis - Genesis is foundational for understanding the Bible.
  11. The Human Being and His Destiny - 9 short and to-the-point lessons.
  12. The Bible, The Word of Truth - Thirteen lessons showing the importance of Scripture.
  13. The Gospel of Luke - Outstanding events in the only Gospel written by a physician.
  14. The Spirit of Truth - Twelve lessons examining the promise of the Counselor.
  15. Romans - Paul salutes the saints in Rome. Twenty-nine studies with tests.
  16. The Book of Hebrews - Lessons describing the superiority of Christ to the Law.
  17. The Patriarch Abraham - Thirteen lessons showing the firmness of Abraham's faith.
  18. The Prophet Elijah - Thirteen lessons covering the darkest era of Israel's history.
  19. The Tabernacle - 26 lessons from the book of Exodus by Walter Alexander.  


Please select the course you want and include your postal address to receive it by mail if you live in the USA or Canada. If you live in another country, you will receive the course by e-mail attachment in PDF format. We send one course at a time. You study at your own pace. Not all courses have tests.